
Weight loss fruit

1 apple

Apple is a very good weight of fruit, brudekjole  is very rich in pectin, vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients, regular consumption, has played the role of effective lipid-lowering. And Apple is very good for the body. It can improve the function of the kidneys and gastrointestinal help you to detoxify the body and burn the body fat, and contain the unique acid can promote metabolism, is a lot of beauty MM ideal food to lose weight during.


2 grapefruit

Grapefruit's low in calories and contain less sugar, but it is very rich in vitamin C, which helps to lose weight. More important is that grapefruit contains acidic substances help to increase the body's digestive juice, promote the body's digestive function, help to eliminate body fatigue play a cosmetic effect. And chemical properties of grapefruit can help the body to reduce the body's insulin levels, promote metabolism suppress appetite, multi-functional combination of good fruit weight loss is simply essential!

3 tomatoes

Tomato is very rich, it contains a red pigment, pectin, dietary fiber and other nutrients, it is easy to produce satiety, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help defecation, and at the same time help the body to control the intake of food intake, reduce heat intake, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss. And is rich in vitamins and minerals to help nourish the body and improve the function of the body to absorb.


4 onions

A lot of people do not like that smell of onion, but the onions really is a very nutritious food, which contains prostaglandin A relaxing blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and other functions of the human body, it contains allyl sulfur compounds as well as a small amount of sulfur amino acids, able to reduce a person's cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis, especially suitable for people over the age of 40 to eat, after all, grow older, the various functions of the human body are in decline. And onion carbohydrates is very high, but note that the menstrual weight loss should not be used.

