
Kate Princess alone Spectators athletes called "Lady Luck"

August 6, London local time on the 5th, Princess Kate alone cheer for the athletes in the Olympic arena.

August 5, in no, accompanied by Prince William, Kate alone to watch the final of the men's gymnastics competition, and athletes to cheer. As the British ambassador, Princess Kate has a busy schedule during the Olympics arrangements for her close to the people cheer performance athletes referred to as "the goddess of fortune." Just last Thursday, the British Cycling Team won a gold medal. Kate and William conceal his excitement hug at the happy instant media capture extensive hot cause the British people.


Last Friday night, she and her William Prince swimmer Rebecca cheer and Rebecca live up to expectations in the game to get a bronze medal. She and Prince William in the same Saturday night to cheer for the athlete Greg Rutherford and Mo Farah, they also won the gold medal. It seems the title of Kate "Lady Luck" is really worthy of the name.